Comments : All Char Broiled With Gravy Amiss.

  • 15 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    There is no doubt in my mind why this piece won on another site. It speaks the inadmissable truth world events. Our actions will certainly be our tombstone.

    I love the opening stanza of this poem
    The end is nigh, yet we haven't taken heed,
    Mother earth cries out desperate for help
    as a fever is running terribly high
    and will not ever recede.
    ^^ It opened up so much in the way of thinking about what we are doing to our own surroundings. I do not believe that people really know the extent of what damage has already been done and that it is not just recent things. Everything especially in the last 70 years attributed to manufacturing and what has been known as "natural way of life" is underestimated. Our rivers are not naturally polluted and the skies not choking on our technology. You have penned a beautiful piece here and low and behold we need to take heed but perhaps it's too late.