Comments : Hide And Seek

  • 15 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    I really enjoyed reading this. The rhymes were excellent, and it flowed good, too.

    "Feelings aren't do be trifled with, and you can't think they are,
    If you think life's a game, you'll never go very far.
    You say you can't feel a thing, well guess what, other do,
    How the hell do you think people can now trust in you?"

    -- In the third line, I think you meant to put "others", instead of just "other".

    "I know you're lying when you tell people that you can't feel,
    Cause I saw the word "lonely" on your arm, and that was very real.
    You are blinded by egoism, don't think your the only one,
    Just admit you did wrong, I was right, what you did is done."

    -- Again, the third line, "your" should be "you're".

    *Those are the only things I noticed that should be fixed. The poem is really good. Keep it up.

    Five out of five. [5/5]


  • 15 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    I liked it. kinda long but it didn't bore me. it was interesting and again. emotional. I liked the rhyme and the flow was nice.... all together it was a great poem=] If you would ever like any more commented just let me know. I think you are a great writer! 5/5