Comments : Bad Apple

  • 15 years ago

    by sexyCheckers

    Your writing is very mature... I wish I could string together words like this so they actually flow and captivate readers!

  • 14 years ago

    by Nicko

    When I critique a poem I'm sometimes way off the mark, recently I critiqued a poem in my club and was so off key. Embarrassing almost yet here I go again, this is what your poem brought to me...

    For me a poem of two parts, firstly the word "compassion" springs to mind (yet feel that word most inadequate) not to tar all in sundry! The second, why is it we are attracted to those that can do us harm? maybe for that something that resides under their skin, a helplessness, there wrong that needs righting like a damaged bird that needs fixing then set free..

    I also liked the use of random rhyme. One thing your second line starts "Than what should one do.... should that read "Then"?

    Cheerz Nick