Comments : Dear You

  • 15 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Aw. This poem is beautiful. I'm sure if your friend sees this, they'll absolutely love it.

    "side by side we walk along,
    teaching me whats right and wrong,"

    -- "Whats" should be "what's". Because "what's" = what is. Therefore, " what's right.." = " what is right..".

    That's the only thing I found wrong in the piece. It's short, and it's simple, but straight to the point. Good job.

    Five out of five. [5/5]

  • 15 years ago

    by sadeyes

    This is a sweet tribute to friendship

  • 15 years ago

    by PoEtiCmYme

    Wow one of the best actually the best friendship poem i have ever heard i think u should enter it in a contest i know you would win ......