Comments : Taped on Smiles

  • 15 years ago

    by Viola

    I really enjoyed this poem. It's a very common problem in today's society with young teenage girls. We all feel we have to be perfect the way the media shows us. The sad truth is there are hardly ever any girls who even remotely come close to being 'perfect' and yet here we are putting each other down when we are not any better, instead of trying to raise each other up and fight those lies we are fed constantly. Because at the end of a day if you walk into a high school you have many many girls hiding who they are behind masks, as you described, because they don't want anyone to see the pain and anger they have built up inside. I love your referance to 'pretty little plastic dolls'. That brought up a good visual. Also these lines were very good:
    "whisper all your pretty lies
    behind imperfect eyes"
    Apart from the lovely rhyming, they are very meaningful.
    Anyways, I hope you learn how to be yourself in a world that tries to mould you into someone you are not. And keep writing! :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael Verterel
