Comments : I've Changed for the Worse.

  • 15 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Aw. This is a sad piece. I liked the title, but I disagree with it. I don't think just because you're upset [if this is factual] you've changed for the worse. Everyone goes through sad periods, and that's okay. I think that a person will remain who they are, deep down.

    "Found a great guy that possessed the qualities she admired,
    told him she loved him, and boy did she fall hard for him."

    -- I think, in the last line, it should be.. "and, boy, did.." Just a minor thing, though. :]

    "Tears stream down her face daily, washing all the optimism away."

    -- I loved this line. It's beautiful.

    "Broken hearted, not so eager to love anymore, to take a huge risk."

    -- I hate it when people say they're afraid to love, or to search for it, because they don't want to get hurt. It's all part of the process of finding who you're truely meant to be with.

    Five out of five. [5/5]
