Comments : September the 23rd 2008

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Your compasion knws no bounds. You have written about a mass tragedy that I know nothing about, that matters not, As you have decribed poetically the tragedy that happened. However, more than this you have touched on the bigger picture, the politics, the frustration that must have been brewing for so long before it errupted in such a fatal way. A country of peace, yet underneath lies an ugliness that the powers that be do not want to admit to, let alone address...the winter will indeed freeze those tears, hopefully not forever!

    Take care


  • 15 years ago

    by Sourav

    This massacre of young and innocent people is just another example of where life is going. There's no value for humanity. No respect for others. People only love to hate. Another shocking and brutal incident that caused life to bleed.