Comments : Hey you, yes you, only you,

  • 15 years ago

    by Ash

    WOW! Who's the new poet here?
    Man, that was simply amazing. I know you're talented but this simply blew me away.

    "Hey you, yes you, only you,
    Who stole my heart,
    Yes you, who tore my heart,

    You, the unseen, the unheard,
    Who makes me cry,
    You,yes you, the unclean.

    Yes you , who led me astray,
    Who made me burn in the cold fire,
    Yes you, who makes me weep pure tears,"

    ^^That was a brilliant way to start and the repetition just added so much more of an impact to the whole poem.

    "Hey you, shhhhhhh,listen.......... "

    ^^ Simply brilliant way to end a poem. Though it may seem a bit abrupt but it fell through with the whole poem and added the effect that there is still more to come...

    If I could I would definately give this million/5.