Comments : Saved by the violin

  • 15 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Nice poem and a sad one. It was easy to understand and it flowed nicely. I really enjoyed this poem keep up the good work. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Jessica

    Nice poem.

    It was pretty sad but I loved the end

    "Hopefully she'll make a friend
    To save her from a waste of suicide
    She shouldn't think she's nothing
    she should be filled with pride

    Her talent on music is wonderful
    And if she dies, what a sin
    But her life might just be saved
    From her other best friend the violin"

    It was really sad and touching. Brought tears to my eyes

    Great poem


  • 15 years ago

    by Viola

    I am truly touched by this. Being an artist who's been through difficult times where I didn't think life was worth much at all I deeply understand what you're trying to portray here. Without my art and music I would be nowhere right now.

    The ending is amazing:
    "Her talent on music is wonderful
    And if she dies, what a sin
    But her life might just be saved
    From her other best friend the violin"

    ^Sums up the whole idea that music can be a theraputic thing for so many people giving them some sort of hope to hold on to when all else fails. My best friend is actually a musician (piano) and she is going into music therapy. So it's a fact that music can ideed save lives. I am truly impressed by this poem.
    You can feel the sadness she is feeling by your words, however simple they may be. And I think that many great artists are ones who have been through hard lives. It's rather strange but all that pain we feel translates quite well into art or music or dance so I suppose it serves a purpose after all.
    Great work! :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Dorothy

    It was very good i liked how it flowed... could use a lil work in word usage there are a few words that if changed would make a few of the lines flow and make more sence