Comments : Slowing avoided

  • 15 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    I was a little confused by the title, but I am confused alot though.

    Reading through the first stanza, I would double check the lowercase letters at the beginning of the lines. In the last line, ITS should be IT'S, short for IT IS.

    Besides the lowercase letters, the second stanza is well written. I like that most of the lines carry around the same number of sylabals.

    In the thrid stanza, I didnt like the INSIDE AND THE OUT part. I thought it read a little awkward by saying INSIDE AND OUT instead of INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. Other than that, another good stanza.

    The next stanza really confused me. ARE NOT THE ONES THAT THEY SEEM? I dont know if you mean they act like something they are not or if you love people that you didnt know. .

    Next stanza, LY is mispelled. I think it sounds better if you say WE STAY IN BED ALL DAY / TO LIE AWAKE ALL NIGHT. It seems to complements the first line better.

    In the last stanza, I did not like that the first two lines were longer than the two closing lines. I think the flow was streched here.

    Overall, I love how the poem flowed. When I read it aloud, it transitioned from line to line without a thought. I would probably add some punctuation and fix the lowercase letters, but the subject and wording was pretty good.