Comments : Suspicious Minds

  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    I read this out loud to one of my friends haha, don't think I'm weird, just that every word flows off the tongue and how it appears like a piece of prose, it reads so poetically, so honestly, and how it's so true! Water is our saviour! Lol

    The key to this poem's success is how the language is so soft, the word choice is immaculate and not in the least bit clumsy:

    'I separate left hemisphere from right and the silken cleanse falls abruptly across my face.'

    This is so profound, I love how you used the word hemisphere instead of 'the side of me', or something equally awful haha. I actually wanted to drink something after I read this. I get the feeling you just wrote this down freehand? It looks like everything just came to you and you didn't spend long on it because you were obviously motivated or clearly inspired. Or I'm being too spiritual and you just wrote it cause you were bored one afternoon, either way, I find it difficult to pick out my favourite bits because a piece I cannot dissect this, it's a paragraph of pure beauty and I'm adding it to my favourites, well done! Loved it