Comments : Some Secrets Should Never Be Told

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You are correct that some secrets should never be told and I think that all us have one of them, I do and it coincides with the theme of your poem. Good job. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    I don't know how you, LJ, and Bliss write such good love poetry, I'm so awful at it. It's probably down to experience haha :] I liked the idea of the last line reinforcing the title, like your love is a secret waiting to burst out to show it's beauty. Loved the imagery here, excellent.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Ingrid
    Loved the title, which drew me in (we all like a good secret, don't we?) and then the first line hits hard as it's the same as the title, and the fact that at this early stage I have read it twice, really pushes the point home: "Some secrets should never be told".
    What secret? Are we going to find out? Almost has a dark feel at this early stage.

    And then the first stanza - an outpouring of love for someone, "My treasure, my angel divine, my once in a lifetime love". And then, "One day you will be mine." Why one day? Here I am intrigued further. Someone you love, clearly, but are not with now.

    Second stanza, again, an almost feverish acknowledgement of your love for this person, and a statement of your pride in them. But again, why aren't you with them? "this bond is so hard to hide." Is this a little indication of a forbidden love, perhaps?

    And then the final stanza, which I personally can read as nothing other than a passionate, all-consuming love that is forbidden: "Our desire will burn silently
    some secrets should never be told."
    An age problem? A friend's lover? The possibilities are endless, but the poem is certainly a wonderful example of forbidden love. (I've probably got it all wrong, but I enjoyed my analysis, lol!)
    All the very best, Ingrid,

  • 8 years ago


    A secret Love huh?! Very well written Ingrid, and very descriptive words producing work that radiates great imagery.
    Just beautiful Ingrid, just beautiful....