Comments : An Ill Furry Companion.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    I feel so sorry for you, I love animals too and atm I have a sick doggy too.

    I hope your pet will make it through:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 15 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    This is really sad . At the begining you think of a million things that this poem could be instating , but then at the end it becomes more precise .. I really like that . Your words flow so nicely one line into the other , and the ending really expresses what someone in that situation would feel . Really well done , 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "Weary eyes struggling to remain open,
    heavy with tears that flow rapidly.
    Legs unstable, strength gone.
    Collapsing to the ground instantly."

    ^^I really like these opening lines, I found them to be filled with emotion and depth right from the word go, and the imagery portrayed was very well done, this combined pulled me straight into the poem.

    "Staring blankly, unable to understand.
    Crying with every painful breath taken.
    Crust forms in the corners of eyes,"

    ^^The melancholy here is overwhelming, it really tugs on the reader's heartstrings, and with each line read, I could feel my heart dropping further in sorrow.

    "Sight obstructed, nothing is clear.
    Unresponsive to everything around,
    worry and fear fill the air, no words spoken.
    A needle inserted to hydrate body,
    numerous tests ran as time passes, "

    ^^I thought this was a really good way to carry the poem forward, you manage to capture so much pain and heartache within these lines, and create a sense of mystery here, for me as the reader it had me wondering how this was all going to end...

    "nervous family awaits unknown news
    of their ill furry companion who lies to rest. "

    ^^I liked these closing lines, up until now the poem seemed to be about a person, and I didn't see this coming which was a surprise.

    Despite being filled with so much melancholy, I found this to be beautifully written.