Comments : Of a Million...

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    A million reasons on the tongue
    for such 3 simple words
    a million reason why
    for just a moment left of time

    ^We can think of a million reasons why we love someone but you are correct the three words, I love you sum them all up.

    for just a goodnight kiss,
    before we close our eyes
    and dream of moments we spent together
    on nights beneath the stars

    ^Sharing a goodnight kiss before closing our eyes and sleeping to dream of the time we spend with the one we love, be underneath the starts or just being in love.

    and with a million reasons left
    for such short simple words
    i love you still seems
    like the right thing to say.

    ^A million reasons left why I love you, they always are the right thing to say to the one we love.

    This is an excellent poem and written with such honesty and feeling. A million reasons we love and yet three simple words express them all. Good job on this. 5/5