Comments : Good-Bye Baby

  • 12 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Wow, i love this poem.
    Such deep raw emotion pours out every word & every sentence.

    Some are...
    happy with just soaring in the clouds.
    But baby, I want to explore
    Whats beyond those stars...
    I want so much, more...
    What hurts the most,
    I know this ain't the only Rodeo.
    This ain't the only video
    Of a love that went wrong,
    Its not the only sad song
    On the radio...

    I love this one showing you're not the only relationship going wrong.

    When we was both younger
    We had life by the horns.
    It was a 20 year old ride,
    we rode it... until
    all that was left of the rose
    was the thorns.
    Although I can still smell
    The memory.. its longed past.
    It went by so fast...
    Oh baby, I really thought
    This would last...
    - thinking you guys would be with eachother forever, but slowly it fell apart, separating apart from eachother.

    Love this poem. Such a good job. It flowed so well, you made an image in my head.