Comments : Revolutionary Reasons (Collab with Teen Prodigy Inc)

  • 15 years ago

    by Dustin S

    Vice Versa Joe. A pleasure to collaberate with, and I hope we can do it again sometime.


  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    Interesting write:

    'How often do we fight, to defend our conscience honor,'

    This doesn't make sense - were you meant to be saying 'conscious honor'? That doesn't make much sense either. Also an 'in' needs to be placed before 'a place' in the third line.
    The pentameter is all over the place throughout, and could do with being polished a bit.
    It's also hard to critique since, I'm from UK and I have no say about the 'troops in Iraq', and as far as the message is concerned, it's fine; just I had trouble reading this since it jolts a bit too much. I think the idea of having this piece rhyme was a bad idea too, as some of it seems forced and it's not consistent (see first two lines of stanzas six and seven).
    I liked the last stanza - it held promise but I found it too hard to read. I think:

    'Now my verse is done for now, the mic is going over to Joe,
    who has some words to speak, so go ahead man, go ahead and show.'

    Is a bad idea in the midst of a serious 'poem', and is a bit immature, if this is a rap then the flow would be tighter and compact.

    I'm sorry if what I've said seems entirely negative, it wasn't a bad poem, I'm just a bit confused by it..