Comments : What the future holds...

  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    That made me tear a little. My sister is graduating this year, and she told me how nervous and exciting it is. This poem explains it beautifuly. The excitment and the fear, great emotions! The flow and the rhymes were really good too, 5/5.

    -mandy :)

  • 11 years ago

    by JustAnotherPoet

    As we go down the path of our design
    Memories of our past twelve years will intertwine
    But no one will ever forget the class of 09

    I really like this stanza as I know that graduation is a must and farewells are unavoidable. But I also know that I want each and every of my friend to look back, 10 or 20 years down the road, no matter where they are or who they have become, I want them to look back and remember this class and the memories we have all created. Really really great piece of work.