Comments : Thin Thought

  • 14 years ago

    by Krista

    Excellent poem Austin! I liked your use of words in this. Although I didn't really recognize "ling", it still fit.

    Okay. One problem I have with this. You don't need to capitalize every line, one the ones that start a sentence. I know it looks nice and all, but it's not necessary.

    Secondly. The last stanza, third line. its should be it's since it is makes more sense than its. It's just a common grammar problem with an easy fix. :)

    Lastly, use more punctuation than just commas and periods. Get creative with it! Add some semi-colons, colons...stuff like that, but make sure it's necessary and actually fits in the place you put it. Adding little things like this better your poetry, trust me.

    Overall, great write. Just a few problems that can be easily fixed. :)