Comments : Night After Night

  • 14 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    This is interesting. There are a lot of people who've passed this poem by, but not I :D.

    Okay down to business. I felt that this poem was very unique in a way, because it's not talking about lost love persay, but it's talking about the dreams of what was there and how we are almost always thinking about it. It's really good to see that you choose that route.

    Now I do have some suggestions

    "Yet suddenly my heart gives a great leap
    And there you are again like my spirits protest"

    please look over that and reword it some, there are just things that don't seem to be there, read it back to yourself a few times and you'll get it.

    There are a lot of cliche stuff here. Like "Together" rythming with "forever" I felt that the emotion is usually enough to over power the cliche ryhmes, but not in this case.

    I liked it and I'm always a sucker for a sort of happy ending so to speak, or one that is left up in the air. I felt that this poem was a good read, i'm glad I didn't pass it by.

    Nicely done.