Comments : Gone But Never Forgotten

  • 14 years ago

    by Goodbye

    Michael Jackson was a great musician. No one can deny it, loved him or hated him, he was great. It is beautiful act to dedicate a poem for him, specially because you were one of his admires.

    It is ashame start mocking at someone and say bad words after his dead. It is only revealing the true nature of the those people.

    Black or white? Does it really matter? I do not know another person people have pointing their fingers as him. He is not first or last person who was not completely satisfied his outlooks and operated himself. Costs became heavy as we all know.

    Wow. Yes, I could keep on talking about Michael for hours but just to comment your poem I would add your rhyming is so nice makes me a bit jealous.... Nice act to express feelings. Good writing overall.

    Gone But Never Forgotten...for people who truly loved him. :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Kid Kurious

    Thanks Noor! =)

    I didn't want to post this into a grieving poem because it's not grieving, it's a celebration of his life and what he meant to me (and obviously millions upon millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of others around the world).

    It was more like the goodbye of a friend than the death of one.