Comments : Cut

  • 19 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    Hey nicely written was really good!!..I cut too and its soo confusing to think that making yourself bleed helps..but it does.
    Good luck with everything ;)

  • 19 years ago

    by Leo

    hey, good poem i liked it.... i have a friend who does that... well did she got some help and she doesn't anymore. i can't say that what you do is wrong b/c i can't say that i know how you feel... but well from several people i know, that have done that in the past, say that its better now that they stopped so maybe you should try to do stop and get some help, talk to someone who you know will listen and will help you out, and hopefully you won't feel like cutting anymore. BYE.

    PS. forget about what people say or think you know who you care about and those are really the only people who you should care what they say or think.