Comments : Glancing Behind

  • 14 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    I'm a big fan of inspirational poems and I really liked how you turned it around from being incredibly heartbreaking and depressing at the beginning, to motivational and uplifting at the end.

    "It's time to grow up and claim responsibility.
    I can't keep living irrationally."

    ^^ I'm not quite sure how I feel about the ending, however. It just seems... unfinished? Like you had more to say. It doesn't end like a proper final stanza - and sometimes that's okay, sometimes that works, but here it just seems to me that something is missing.

    Also, sometimes it seems like you're trying too hard to rhyme. Although everything makes sense, I can't help but think some of the rhymes sound forced. Don't worry, I have this problem on a lot of my poems, too - I imagine many of us do. Keep at it, it's promising work.

    Thank you for the read.