Comments : Numb?

  • 14 years ago

    by Tammi

    Wow love this poem so sad yet true for I have not learned to go numb yet and I have lost way to many ppl in my life I have and still do love thank you for writing this. 5/5


  • 14 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I've been told that it gets better.

    *I'd make that period at the end a comma, since you continue your thought on the next line*

    that after so many loses...
    you just turn numb.

    *I'd change "turn" to "become" that seems to fit better to me.*

    It doesn't hurt.
    You're no longer phased.
    But I think to myself...
    How can this be?
    How can i get used to the fact that
    I can no longer hear...
    No longer see...
    No longer talk to...

    *I'd change "talk to" to "speak" that way you keep up with the one word pattern you have going on*

    No longer embrace...
    Someone I love...
    Someone I care for.
    How can somebody see...
    so many lifeless bodies?
    melancholy gatherings?
    so many euphemisms?

    *I loved this part. How you break it all down it really brillant. *

    How can I get used to souls disappearing all around?
    Leaving me with memories
    that i fear one day I'll lose.
    Nine months.
    Three gone.
    How can I go numb?
    Not sure i want to.
    Not sure I can.
    How can I go numb?

    *This was really sad but I can relate to what you're saying. You did a good job with explaining what being numb is like. Keep it up hun. Nik*

  • 14 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Ive went numb before it was quite an interesting feeling. Everything that was painful to me my mind would automatically block out on its own. Its involuntary and every time it triggers you cant. But im glad to feel again. I could really connect to your poem loved it btw.