Comments : Good Enough

  • 13 years ago

    by The Prince

    Okay, so, song lyrics are a very different medium to poetry so I'll comment this not looking for metaphor, but for flow, sense, and I'm a human cliche detector, so I'll pick out some too. (:

    'it wasn't my intention- to trust
    it wasn't in the plan to lust. '

    This automatically raises question marks? Wasn't in what plan to lust?

    This makes me suspect that this persona has cheated on somebody, and then the persona states that said person is too good for them, then it almost feels as though the persona is angry towards said person because of 'forget I exist, forget we ever shared that kiss.'

    This is confusing to a great deal, Lauren. Just because every verse seems to contradict the previous.

    Song lyrics are meant to be simple? And the use of carcinogen has baffled me completely. You're a reckless woman who causes cancer?

    Half of this song, the persona seems guilty about something...but this stanza contradicts everything:

    'Why can't you- be wreck-less?
    How can you- forget this?
    How could you- regret the kiss..'

    This is in serious need of reworking.

    Thanks for sharing.