Comments : I; The Sun's Secret Court (Shakespearean)

  • 12 years ago

    by Moonlit Candles

    This was done really well. Felt like one of Shakespeare's writings.

    I rise, to see not her;
    she wanes to seek divinity.
    Time between us deter
    fate from hearing my sullen pleas.

    I hear, from the whispers
    by fellow promenading wind-
    A celestial transverse;
    behind illuminescent skin.

    I feel, nonexistent
    in the world she dances in.
    Reproaching the distant,
    she takes my place where I've been.

    Only from the remains of the clouds caressing her wings,
    could I abstract her spirited touch that clings.

    What I got from all of this is that you want to be with that person. But it seems like your in different timelines. You wish you could be with her But times thinks differently than you in this instance. All in all a job well done. :)