Comments : Werewolf Turning

  • 13 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    Oh my goodness, I am at a loss for words!! It was such an exciting poem to read, I was so interested in what happens next. Seriously WOW, I honestly don't have enough words in my vocabulary to explain how much I loved this poem. It was so descriptive and I could see the "turning" in my mind. I absolutely loved the details and picture you painted with the words. I picked up one thing though and I'm not sure if its meant to be like that or if it was the tiniest mistake but where it says: “
    In the mirror I stare at piercing eye with a yellow glow” I thought it would sound more cortrect if it was "eyes" instead of just singular eye? Or it could just be me. But over all excellent job as always, I LOVED it and still think this site needs a higher rating than 5!!!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I have to disagree with the previous comment. When I first read it, I dind't like it, then, after reading the comment made before, I re-read it, and felt this piece has the potential to be 'wow', but it isn't there yet.

    I liked the first stanza, with the stucture and flow you adopted, but then it changes in the second and third stanzas. I feel the first structure is the one to stay with.

    I dind't like the use of the word 'grow' twice in the line 'My body grows as claws and fangs start to grow'. I think if the first 'grow' was changed to enother word, it would make that line stronger and cleaner.

    I think in general if you give the piece a little more depth in it's content, and a little more flavour in it's wording it'll feel much stronger.


    P.S. Please comment and vote HONESTLY on every poem that you read.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lost Innocence

    Cool..kind of strange but i liked it any ways:D good job Kris

  • 12 years ago

    by Sparkling snow flake

    I like the way you express it. Love the imagery. so detailed! Good job Kris!