Comments : Let Me Be Me

  • 19 years ago

    by Chloe

    Totally understand how you feel. Keep writing :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Zayda

    ok, i had already commented on ur poem but they said i cudnt curse, lol... i stand out fo' those who have been called names n laughed at... i truly hate this kinda pp, u no... dont u worry, 'ts not ur fault... their lives r so borin they cant think of athin else... ur a wonderful girl, u certainly r... i no wut ur goin through since i used to b da object of their games a while ago... they'll eventually come to realise u dont give a heck bout wut they say, so... dont let 'em get u... they're losin their chance to meet da awesome person u've become... let 'em ruin their lives... ur free to do wutever u want... i'd chop their heads off fo' 'em not to hurt u but obviously i cant, i wish i cud do sthin fo' u... i'll b here fo' u whever u need me..