Comments : Since we broke up

  • 12 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Ugh girl u sooo know i relate and reading this just makes me wanna cry girl but if i wasn't so emotional this would blow me away and make me relate :) fantastic...awesome...great...i absoultely loved it :)

    Eyes that hypnotized me,
    touch that sent chills down my spine,
    electricity flowed through out my body as we kissed,
    fighting myself from saying i love you to soon,
    instantly knowing you were the one.
    - i think this is my favorite but the entire poem is my favorite i loved everything :) :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Matthew Schut

    Months past since we broke up,
    my love for you has dimmed,
    the fire has faded,
    no more shining brighter then a star,
    you destroyed my heart,
    the one i thought i could never live with out,
    hurt me beyond repair,
    saying my final goodbye,
    i gave up on love.

    Wooowwww... so deep and powerful! I loved every part of the poem! This stanza especially!! It is a sad ending but a truthful one! Sometimes people try to hold onto something that isn't there anymore!

    GOOD work!! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I think this piece is amazing. When I am less tiered and more awake, I will come and leave a better comment I swear. Though I do love this piece