Comments : BLACKOUT

  • 12 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    while migraines vine,
    and she cries without end,
    anger taken hold,
    evil within,
    eyes black as ice,
    heart cold as stone,
    evil has vined into her soul
    -My fav part but overall an amazing poem :)

    This poem flows wonderful, has such raw deep anger pouring out. The hurt you feel & how it takes control over you lashes out. Makes you want to keep reading & gives you chills.
    About to explode with all the anger, wanting someone to help you knowing its to late.

    Loved It<3

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow. The use of emotion and word choice really do make the reader feel like they could be going through this, or watching it happen. the flow is terrific, the author's voice is so clear, and the thought put into this piece is great. i loved this piece, and thing you have penned one example of perfection.

  • 12 years ago

    by Bobby

    You have great style in your writing and can let the reader like myself feel the words as their own feelings. Your poems are true works of art :0) Thank you for sharing your heart and your art with me. Just for the record your never alone either my friend