Comments : In The Depth Of My Heart

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    It's no surprise that Love & Heartbreak has speedily become the Theme of Discussion among youths in the Forum, nowadays..understanding fully well, how we were fast-deceived with the Idea: 'Seeing is Believing' which makes me wonder whether our walk is by sight or by faith, if actually..we know God? Love is a seed of care, designed to grow. And you know what this means, however.. It takes some time, but if you would rather want it to speeden up as you please, don't be harsh with me to learn, you would certainly be finding some Infactuation>>which accounts for lust, on a greater percentage! But the end, would surely justify the case, you know.. All that matters is happiness. If it's not there, then forget it! You'll never find the care you deserve.. Thanks for voicing out the pain, it gets better, the more we share..