Comments : Bloody Hope

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    "And she stares down at the bloodied
    Her heart lifeless now, its beats, a dim
    ---I'm really fond of the way you started this with the word 'and'. I have a few poems written before with that start, as if the poem skipped to the sad part, leaving the 'real' beginning to the reader's imagination.
    "Her heart's domicile, made of her ribcage,
    ripped out,
    Bones lying on the floor, all askew, some
    ---I can easily picture this, this may be a metaphoric part, but I really like the imagery created here. However, you could make this part shorter. Either way, I quite like it..
    "Her nails dig into the ground, they rip off,
    As his whispering name, becomes a scream,
    a desperate plea"
    ---What I picture here is, the persona claws at the ground, where 6 feet under lies the body of her loved one..
    "Her eyes take her to sleep, dreams take her
    from reality,
    To his arms, to what things could have
    been, what they will be."
    ---I don't know why, but the "her eyes take her to sleep" part is not really good, in my opinion. It would be better to revise/change that. Contrary to that, I like the ending line. Dreams are magical. They take you to places and people out of your reach. Unlike, thoughts, they are effortless, you just have to stay afloat.
    Overall, a great read. Keep writing :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    This is gr8 i love the start alot
    the ending is stunning i love the way u ended it
    the word choice is gr8 and the flow is cool too
    this is totally amazing i love it
    good job =)