Comments : We were Friends

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Trusting someone is hard but we always do that no matter what and in return we might get lots a disappointments but that's the prize one has to take when we do open up.

    Pretty good piece, you know I feel the pain when i read it, but I also feel confusion as if you want to stop talking to that person however I feel like you don't really want to do that at the end of the last stanza.

  • 12 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Paul even really close friends have trust and commitment issues and cannot open up to another and therefore issues are ignored or they blame someone else or just do nothing. It hurts but it is a part of life. Just remember not everyone is like that.

  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Should i cry or be relieved?,
    one thing i know is am not feeling
    guilty for something you could have easily
    resolved but chose to blame it on me

    I really liked that first line on this stanza it really makes it stand out and its thought provoking. . and im sorry that you're going through this, you portrayed your emotion in a good way so very nicely written


  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This poem reveals so much within each stanza-

    When lines of communication are caught within a trap of confusion it can lead to hurt feelings and anger, allowing the heart to shut down.. When precious feelings are involved within a world of chaos its understandable- I do hope things can be mended...because true friendships are not perfect, they have ups and downs... taking time to think is good and writing is a perfect release.... powerful poem Paul, once the cloud clears up..follow your heart~

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Awesome poem you have written here.
    Friends can hurt us badly, in a blink of a eye

  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    This is fantastic poem
    its kinda sad u know the feeling of being betrayed isnt that easy to accept

    well penned poem keep writing =)

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Ahh.. the smell of deceit is more foul than rotten eggs.
    "only to be crushed by your kiss
    of betrayal, you Judas"
    ---So powerful and filled with anger and hurt and resentment and betrayal. Nice, nice, nice. I like how you cut that^line and 'kiss' was the last word, which for a second there, I thought it was a literal action haha, then you surprised me with the next line. Which was so cleverly written. I really appreciate these kinds of poems, so thanks for writing them lol.
    "Call me a meanie, i don't care"
    ---Okay, I won't lie. That made me smile, which I haven't been doing for quite a while haha. I really like the contrast; a serious angry tone, then it was sprinkled with a bit of humour. I like that.
    "Our friendship was like a house built on
    sand, never to hold still"
    ---Oh.. nice simile. Can I steal that? jk
    I love this poem all around. Can't wait to read more, so keep writing :)