Comments : Walk Away

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    Wow really good :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    Let me say this right away, but please do not take it personal, it's just my honest opinion. This does not seem to be a poem to me, on one side due to how to presented it. Usually poems are put into stanzas that emphasize little breaks during the read and verses that stop at specific words. I do not mind how straightforward you are, that could be in a poem, but you're telling every little detail without giving the reader any possibility for own interpretations. Then again maybe you did not mean for this to be a poem, then I apologize.

    I do like your honesty and straightforwardness, especially since it emphasizes your emotions really well.

    I just do not know whether everybody is going to be as patient as me and read this "wall of text" because that is what the reader sees and that isn't too inviting.

  • 12 years ago

    by Angel

    Very very good. Love it!