Comments : Truths

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I loved loved this poem! It was so in depth and even fromt he begiining you open with a line very honest and one which so mnay can automatically agree with and relate to. So many of us hate looking in the mirror because we fear what we will see.

    I think it's time to take my life back; back into my own hands but my wrists are broken, trying to lift the weight of the world has rendered them useless

    - great idea using your wrsits breaking to emphasis what a heavy burden you wery carrying and how much it was weighing you down. This was really clever.

    There is so much I could say about this poem, I relate to most of it and your title is so fitting because after reading each line I think that it sooo true! I love how you state that you cant forget who you were but at the same time you cant remember this person you have became, it is such a horrible feeling to go through and can leave you so alone and weak feeling.

    I fought for something I didn't believe in.

    I've lost everything, but it's okay.

    Someday I'll win it all back.

    It's a gamble.

    - this part here was breath taking for me, because there have been so much things which I believed so much in but by following this I have lost so much in the process. I love how you turn this negative thing around by adding in your attitude of positivity which you say you will gain all of this back.

    Your last line got me thinking, and left me wondering why? Why you do this? My own thoughts are that once we get something we get scared of losing it again so we just push it away. This way it is in our control and we don't lose it, we choose to give it away. In a complicated way it hurts less this way.

    Anyway. I really loved this poem and thought you done amazing for the challenge. Well done