Comments : Everything

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Awww...This is beautiful...sooo romantic...I love it...
    And the whole piece was like a song flowed so well...this is just sooo lovely.
    James is one lucky man...:)

  • 11 years ago

    by MyHalozChokinMe

    I'm sure you can just imagine the look on my face. And here I was spouting off about The Bee Gees on the club board. lol.


    You seem to really adore your husband. It's evident in past comments, threads, even some of your poems.
    I envy you, a tad bit, there is always that one (maybe two)couple(s) that makes me roll my eyes, because really, my mind always wants to scream "WHO THE HELL IS THAT FOOKIN HAPPY?"
    I really get the most sincere emotions from your writing and I like the image of you singing your way into his heart...

    Man. I have a list of words that I have always claimed to dislike, but this poem is just SWEET. (yep, that word be on the list.)

  • 11 years ago

    by Wafaa

    OMG the love you have for your husband is just simply beautiful! It inspires me that love of this kind still exists no matter what and it gives me hope.

    This piece filled my heart with warmth and drew a big smile on my face. I wish I always find love, the one that you guys have. :)

    great poem!

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Such a beautiful poem, story, and relationship here Maple. It is beautiful, romantic and just so lovely to find out a little bit about you and James.


    P.s... please dont shoot me for saying this but it reminded me (cheesy I know ) of Happy Feet, and how the penguins find their other half by the song they sing and their voice. They sing their way intot he others heart and then remain together forever! So cute !