Comments : Cemetery Dream

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    :O My heart has just somersaulted a thousand times in the time it took me to read this poem...

    This is heartbreakingly sad, it is filled with that beauty that you always bring into your poetry but there is a heaviness and a desperate sadness to the piece that breaks my heart, and makes me want to reach out and hug take away the sadness, the bad times, and just to love you...

    Beautiful yet sad, and not even going to try and say any more, it just doesn't need words, none at all,
    I felt it, and I feel it

    Love you,

  • 11 years ago

    by Wild flower

    Dark and filled with sadness, can I add some colors to the poem's page? It'll look nicer:P

    Love this piece, as usual awesome job^___^

  • 11 years ago

    by Decayed

    That's a superb piece that sunk deep in my skin... Beautiful, and very moving!