Comments : The traveller

  • 11 years ago

    by ah satan 666

    Slowly slithering like a serpent,ready
    to unleash deadly lips of hypnosis.

    ^^ I get the imagery of being watched from afar and I know your going to appear but I can't help but stair in your direction.
    I like the wording of "Unleash deadly lips of Hypnosis" I'm reading it as a metaphor for being teased/toyed with?

    Once connected :symmetrical actions
    release a deadly venom of deception.

    ^^ I'm reading this as visually connected and as if mirrored, I can't shake you from my focus... the paranoid addiction to stair is overwhelming but are you friend or foe?

    Infected, you slowly start deteriorating
    showing symptoms of terminal distraught.

    ^^ " Infected" good choice of words... paranoia spreads like an infectious venom... I don't know what you want from me and I start to panic!

    Feeling naked; devoured in essence of
    Satans cologne you sit there bathed by
    ebony water
    he will strike again.

    ^^"Feeling Naked" metaphor for vulnerable?... striped of self confidence, you give in to your demons, as you know you've been here before.

    I think the use of the snake gives the feel of a creepy surrounding whether it be a being actually heading in your direction or a thought creeping into a disturbed frame of mind.

    I like twisted pieces lol

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This piece Tony, the idea and the creativity is awesome,

    but I think it's too wordy, and that disrupted the flow for me, however, the ending was brilliant.

    The title, I believe "Traveller" has 2 l's, not one.

    and the're a few over eager comma's, that were uneasy on the eye.

    However, like I said, I love the idea and the creativity.


  • 11 years ago

    by Rusheena

    The main thing that stood out to me was the imagery. Your poem's running wild with it! My favorite parts are the second line and the entire last stanza:

    "ready to unleash deadly lips of hypnosis."
    I'm not sure what "lips of hypnosis symbolize," but I really like the way the it rolls of the tongue. You can really hear the "hiss or sisss" in it, even though you didn't add any onomatopoeia.

    "Feeling naked; devoured in essence of
    Satans cologne you sit there bathed by
    ebony water
    he will strike again."

    Such powerful and thought provoking images. I have so many different interpretations of it, but what I get from it the most is that the victim has given up and given the attacker permission to do with him/her what he will. I don't know if the attacker is male or female, but a male attacker comes to mind, no offense.

    I don't quite get the colon placement in the second stanza, but I'm not very good with punctuation, anyway. There's a comma missing for "Satans", and the placement of the last stanza threw me off a bit. But other than that, I think you did a great job.

  • 11 years ago

    by Meme

    Wild .. Dark .. Powerful

    Your imagination is beyond extreme in this piece, it gave me chills. You wrote a whole scene in a directors point of view, as if you were watching from afar the things that were happening.

    I love it!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jaymi Lynn

    Very dangerous read... I like it!

  • 11 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Now this is a dark piece!!! I was glued to every single line! "Lips of hypnosis" ..."satans cologne" ... all kinds of wonderful imagery.

    Amazing <3

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Deep, Dark, and captivating this was!

    I love this...truly I do, I feel like its this dark story that really speaks a creepy idea if you disect it a little bit.

    One of evil, knowing they are doing wrong, knowing they are ran by the devil....yet they almost welcome it...

    That is eery.

    Wicked write. Well done.