Comments : Journey Into My Ill Mind: Path of Blood

  • 10 years ago

    by Kakera

    Oh my monster, how beautiful your shackles unchained.

    But to our Mistress, my love is more profound. I will not let you have her, nor will I let her have you. In Swedish, jealousy is called "Black Sickness", and my sickness truly is black.

    But your path isn't written. Fate holds no meaning. I will change it. I will steal your monstrosity and carry it on my heavy shoulders and my broken back. I will put you in shackles again, this You does not belong among the Free -- for the monster shackled and chained is the truly free one. She made you King but I will steal your throne.

    The Throne belongs to queens, the patriarchs will be undone -- I will rewrite the stars and rewrite Fate, for nothing is set in stone.

    A siren you call me, for I beckon disaster and loss. And I will sing love songs to your kingdom come undone. I will steal the Mistress from you, for I am the queen, and I will destroy her reign -- for my love for her daughter puts your destructive monster to shame

    O'er the cries of blood and carnage I sing, to lure monsters right in, and awakened though you might be, I will pull you towards me, and I will hold scissors stronger than Atropos, and I seek to cut the bonds between thee and thy awakening let loose and free.