Comments : Heart Abandonment

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Because home is not a place;
    it's a feeling..

    ^^ STUNNING...I will be facebooking that later...and tagging you lol

    This poem is something I can relate to..feeling lonely, empty, left by someone we cared about...But after years of heartbreak, I've come to the conclusion that lonliness is a choice. dang.....I think I might have inspired myself with a poem..I'll elaborate more on that when I write this poem lol....

    Anyways, I love your punctuation here. Always been fond of it, you use it well. i also use exclamation points and really admire authors who do that....because it gives the reader a true sense of your time..anger, bitter, excited, etc....In this case it seemed frustrated, almost sarcastic.

    Sad piece, but well written...definitely serious about facebooking that line..I loved it!

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Thaaaanks a lot babe ;)

      Ohh that inspired an idea to me too, even your comment are inspirational. You ROCK girl!

  • 11 years ago

    by Boy

    Beautiful.. though i am reading very first poem here after so many months. it makes me feel i was never un touch with the poetry. though i was calm but inside somewhere inside me poetry still alive. and i understand you poems. though these are all lovely and fantastic writing.

    cheer my friend

  • 11 years ago

    by Fear2love

    Sad yet beautiful :)

  • 10 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    This poem is wonderful and sad. I can also relate to this as everyday I feel lonely. I love the idea you have of a heart breaking and the silence it sheds. The whole poem as an eerie feel. Like the house or castle is haunted by depression. And it is holding you capitive in your own soul or house. Excellent write meme!! 5

  • 10 years ago

    by DarkLight
