Comments : Relapse

  • 10 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Yes, you are strong.
    And you can beat this. I know you can.

    This was powerful, and positive and shows how much strength you have.

    Keep yourself positive and look toward the future.
    Much much love xx

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    You're absolutely right that a relapse is just a stepping stone towards doesn't mean you have failed, it doesn't mean you will never fully recover, it's just a minor setback that will make you stronger and have more willpower to recover.

    Like you said, it makes you human... no one is perfect. You will heal fully in time, just have to have faith and patience.

    I really like this piece, it's pure raw emotion with hopeful and positive feelings instead of negative.

    I interpret this piece as a 'relapse' to a lover... going back to them when you promised yourself you wouldn't. You may love them, but you don't need them.

    Great piece!

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Double post, sorry!

  • 10 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    I like this poem because it's a story many can relate to; although, I find this to be more like a story or a person venting on their mistake. It's true when we fall or relapse we feel bad, but the best thing that we can do is to get up and try again. When you think about it, if you were to fall down the stairs you wouldn't go to the bottom of the stairs, but you would get up and proceed up from where you fell.

    Inspirational write. ...AL