Comments : Stigma

  • 10 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Jenni-Marie, this poem,
    hats off to you, for writing about the stigma surrounded mental illness, so many times people see physical illness but they ignore or ridicule mental illness, without realising the common word is ILLNESS.

    I've been on the receiving end of stares, whispers, the looks, like your crazy, and I've been judged and laughed at, pointed at, and what they don't see, is the suffering behind the eyes, the thoughts, everything in the mind and how it affects you when you get this stigma surrounding you.

    I think that you really got the point across, and it takes a lot of courage to pen something like this, when you know the affects, feel it, see the suffering and understand.

    This piece touched me, for many reasons, not just because it was personal to me, or you but because it's true of so many and people need to open there eyes to it.

    Really powerful piece...and as always, expertly penned
