Comments : Myopia

  • 10 years ago

    by Britt

    Is this the poem you wrote for the contest? It feels different from your usual... a little bit less emotion, but it does have a hint of the vulnerability you've been playing around with. I like that.

    I like the idea that you stay true to yourself.. whether you're 100% happy with it or not, you're never going to pretend to be someone you're not (looks/personality.. anything). You're original, you're "YOU" and there is nothing wrong with that. I like the feeling of being comfortable in your skin and not having to go overboard following the magazines and spending gobs of money on products that take away from natural beauty. I think this was really a strong look at society, how we view ourselves and how women especially try so hard to become everyone else. What society thinks they should be, how they should look.

    I really like your second stanza the most, it felt the most "you" to me. The beginning honestly I didn't really care for, because I couldn't sense your typical poetry in it. Well, maybe a little bit and I was just turned off by pus-filled polka dots... interesting but ew! lmao. I did really like the way you described floss. Definitely an interesting poem that makes you think a lot, and as always descriptive... my favorite thing about you! :)