Comments : Untouchable Time

  • 10 years ago

    by dindee


    "Takes life and health and leaves some ill,
    Yes, time, the most powerful thing of all,"
    -ilove those lines... bout time...

    really no one can ever control the time...

    but im confused bout the 2 words..

    "sain," and "rein"

    coz there were also "sane" and "reign"..

    maybe "sane" is the preferred one...i dont know bout rein and reign.. to restrain or pulling the reins of horse to slow it down..

    reign..the period of rule or pertaining to monarchy...

    but obviously both words have some similar meaning specifically in terms of controlling...

    overall...WELL DONE... =)

    • 10 years ago

      by chloe

      Thank you so much and im so embarassed for the typo of sane, rein was meant to be spelled that was though. I am greatful you took the time to read my poem (: