Comments : The Remains Of Yesterday

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Dark hues of winter
    mornings are still
    wrapped around me,
    burning my skin with
    memories I plead to
    leave behind..

    - so a dull opening makes me aware this poem is going to be quite deep and have a personal tone through out it. I get a feeling of being trapped within this sorrow, this darkness, the suffering in which you are feeling with these memories. It makes me wonder what you are about to tell us, but at the same time it makes me think of how I can already relate with my own thoughts and memories. Great opening.

    ..just like I left him.

    - I like this being on its own, I think it kind of just emphasises that the memories and pain from the first stanza is almost probably aimed all at him. That needed to be pointed out, shown separate to show how important this is for the story.

    But the chill within me
    is so haunting to ignore,
    even though I'm standing
    here under the suns of
    new beginnings.

    - so this is where we can see the battle of moving on and letting go. Even though you can see the light now through the darkness, the coldness and winter that has been wrapped around you for so long still haunts you. I think this is clever to use the weather because although it is easy to do, when done correctly it paints a vivid scene. I think the haunting here could even be because you are moving on and don't want to be hurt again, so something inside is keeping you back for protection because ta least you know what it is like here. The other part of me thinks it is just normal because moving on is not fast or easy.

    And although calendar
    pages indicate a chapter
    for each season, to me
    it continues to snow
    and I continue to shiver
    in murmurs of silent hope.

    - the silent hope here makes me think you don't want to move on for the reason that you miss him. You want him back and want to move back to be with him again and not move on without him. This is so touching to read and I feel regret within the tone here, that you wish you didn't leave him. I also like how you used the weather again because shivering and being cold makes me think that you will be fine again when he has comforted you and perhaps hugged you, then it will begin to heat up and the snow would melt.

    So I close my eyes and pray..

    - I find this line interesting in the sense that a lot of people pray anyway, but others don't until it is their desperate time of need and they do not know what else to do except to pray and beg for this miracle. It shows how deeply they want this.

    I pray for fate to let us
    go and pray for second
    chances to find us both.

    - If I understand this ending correctly, it is not that you are praying for to be together again? It is more of that you pray that fate was not meant to keep you together and that you both find someone else and have a second chance with someone else instead of each other?

    Very touching poem, sad, honest, relatable. I think you worded it well, laid it out well and used the prompt you were given very well.

    Loved this Meme great job. xx

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Always loving your comments hone. Thanks a lot :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Hellon

    To start off a poem about winter generally means the writer is retreating into some sort of hibernation mode....doesn't matter the season...we all find comfort in winter when we are sad...why should the spring flowers appear and feel happy when we don't I feel?

    There is such a melancholy feel to this don't overdo the drama which makes your feelings come through more I feel. Lovely write...enjoyed it!

    Small critique...

    is so haunting to ignore


    I think too haunting to ignore?

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Yes, we always do find comfort in the sadness of winter...

      And thank you a lot Hellon :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Natalie

    I absolutely love this poem Meme! Your use of words made me feel cold both inside and out! You have a way of drawing the reader in and making him/her see the world through your eyes!
    I can almost imagine winter being a lurking creature slithering like a snake, wrapping itself around you, forcing you to remember. Great imagery!
    The second last stanza is brilliant too. I particularly enjoyed the idea you present that NO time doesn't always heal
    awesome that you finish with a prayer as it adds that touch of hope.
    5/5 from me for a gorgeous write!

    • 10 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you so much!

  • 10 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    I nominated this poem for a reason but sadly it didnt win :(. But I loved it so much. The title fits perfect.

    Dark hues of winter is great imagery as winter is known for its gloomy overtones. I love the way you speak of it here. Memories burning your skin.... again this is a great line because they are always with you and like winter they can be cold and unforgiving. Mornings and nights are or can be very lonely especially with memories of him that haunt you everyday.

    There are always chills under the sun or when you start new things. The past likes to follow you like a ghost and it looms like a ghost or winter when fall crisps the air. I do how you use the sun though. It brings about in this poem a new chance of hope. You always think of the sun as bright and cheery. But I love how how you underline it as a bit of s chill even when its upon you.

    I love how you fill this poem with gloom. With the hope of getting better not clear. Even though it is the next season the memories or snow is always there with you. I totally love the ending here. It sad through out hopeful in hopes of a new life. 5/5