Comments : Urgent Appeal

  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    This is a truly strong message you sent here. O love how you shifted the words around to make the poem powerful. The first stanza really drew my attention because of the message you say. You want someone to listen and you silence says so many words. Its sad how no one knows what you feel. When you get the devil inside of your heart there are so many things that cam get you down. Depression is one horrible thing that can cause you to drink. No one can truly know what the things are going on inside of yourself. I love the feelings you let out.

    I know this feeling all too well as I dont have a great relationship with my dad. I love the way you use drunk as it is one thing that can cause depression inside. Seeing anyone you love hurt can totally scar you. You can't truly see the poison inside and the way you feel. There mind is so horrible that you can't see what they see and the devil just makes them someone else.

    I love the twisted line as you are speaking through the eyes of a little child. Artwork can talk if you talk with your penning. But the message is strong. Teachers always want to help but a childs mind can't truly portray what they feel. The wording the great as when you do shut out you become shy and live in your own perfect world or the world you want it to be. The ending is great as it shows what can happen. You don't know what else to do. The sadness radiates but the message is perfect. 5/5