Comments : Cupid's Cake

  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    The title fits so well here because of the love story you tell so well. I love the very first line its a bold move because it starts with And but it works well too. The vivid imagery is running wild in my head. Who knew you could write a love story about a pirce of cake but you did it so very well! I love how the story unfolds here. First with the hand holding. The way you describe each step is magic. Holding hands is one of the most beautiful things in the world I feel because you can truly feel yhr closeness of it. And then yhe eyes I can see lookkng into the depths of each others soul. There are many ways you could have ended this. I love the lasy little bit. It was surprsing but so heartfelt. You don't ecpect to fall in love at first sight but when it happens you just have to go with it. I love everything about this. 5/5

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Ah, Saffie! I have missed your poetry... and this one is the first one I've read in what feels like forever, but it's really only been like a month! Lol I adore this, it's got that cuteness factor but has so, so much imagery and just makes one smile from ear to ear. :)

    I always love when poems start with 'And'... it throws the reader right in the middle of the story, it's like a snapshot of the most important part of the night.

    I envision this as like a romantic-comedy flick! Going in for the last slice of cake, playful banter of the 'you take it, no you take it' and so he just cuts it in half and they enjoy the cake together, talking all night long...getting to know each other and falling madly in love.

    Sigh, I'm such a sap lol.

  • 10 years ago

    by Hellon

    Awe....I'm so glad you posted this, it's such a charming little verse...just what I needed to start my morning off :)

    I can just imagine these two going for the last slice...touching hands as they do and then getting all embarrassed and saying you take you and then he does the gentlemanly thing and halfs the sweet!

    They get chatting over this cake and..voila, a romance is kindled. Just so innocent and lovely. Well done with the did a grand job :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Lol I love this!! Cute story, not where I thought you'd go with it, but that was cute!! I pictured a romantic movie in my head, where two people met in a bakery, had a conversation and just clicked..that'd be nice if that happened to me lmao...

    Liked this piece girly!