Comments : The fear of not belonging

  • 10 years ago

    by TSI25

    There's always that moment
    When you feel as though your about to break
    As If your slowly crumbling to pieces
    And no one bothers to pick them up an rebuild

    - "feel as though you're* about" -repeated error on next line too. not a huge deal, i knew what you meant but grammatical errors are a fast way to bring a poem's flow to a halt. "and*" is missing a 'd' too. ive felt this way often, and it drives me to be self reliant whenever possible. too often no one is there to pick up the pieces but you.

    You have no one to trust,
    No one to turn too,
    Not even yourself,
    For you know what your capable of

    -fear of the self is an interesting concept, one i dont see often. its at this point that the poem really starts to pique my curiosity.

    So your on your own,
    Completely lost,
    Yet you know exactly where you are,
    You've been here your whole life

    - again watch your "your, you're" s

    This is where you walked past the little green gardens,
    And the old church on your way to school
    This is where you laughed
    And slowly died

    -kind of a stark, harsh change but it brings the bitter feeling of the poem to a real fruition. i like how it references memories that almost anyone can look back bitterly on; those of school. the old church is a simple but deep image with a lot of personal connotations for a lot of people, and its artfully used. you insert the image without calling undue attention to it, well done.

    You don't belong here
    Your trapped,
    You need to get out
    And find yourself

    -theres a question here that i didn't read but rather felt in a subtle panic "run where?" definitely nuanced.

    You run,
    But in every direction
    Is your worst fear
    the fear of not belonging anywhere

    -i like that it gets shorter here, it brings out the feeling of panic and beyond that its a message many people can and should relate too. the fear of not belonging is both old and classic.

    So what are you going to do?
    Stay trapped?
    Or face your fear
    And live

    -powerful ending, insightful too. i feel like a better person for having read this piece.

  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    Everyone feels broken sometimes in their life. Its hard when you feel lost and alone. When you want to like a hero. You want someone to rebuild your heart. Sometimes you have to rebuild your own life and fix the pieces. You have no one but you have yourself. I know life seems hard. I know what you mean by knowing what you are capable of. Depression really hits you hard. We all know whare we are. You are on your own.

    No one knows the pain you feel inside. Its hard when you laugh and are dying inside. I think its easier to fake a smile then to show people who you really are. People judge others sadly. We all need to find ourselves in life. We all grow up and leave. There are many things that can make you feel trapped. Depression is one thing that does.I love the running about.

    When we running into nothingness we never truly know where to go. It seems that sadness blinds us and we fall. There is a fear when we try to live. I love the poem as a whole because the message is so strong. We must live our lives and not feel trapped. We will always be up and down but if you can stay positive and happy then we can over come the negative things. 5/5