Comments : I will name you Petal (Senryu)

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow


    This is so powerful. Which is very hard to get that impact in a short verse such as the senryu, but you have managed it here.

    My first thought was about the first simple meaning of nature as it comes across, how people neglect it sometimes and cause it harm. But then after reading the link, and re-reading the poem, it becomes clear that this flower signifies the poor girl, her innocence and her pain.

    The story itself is disgusting and I will never understand such acts, age does not matter, it is always wrong, but 5 years old? :(

    Your poem is very deep because you show your empathy but also your pain that these things happen and you cannot help or stop them.

    If anything, your poem just shows that this girl has the support of so many people without her even realising it. It shows the cycle that one "flower" hurt, means a whole "flower bed" can be affected.

    I really connected to this one and was touched by the dedication and message.


  • 10 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Love the impact your words create... it's appalling how innocence is snatched away with such brutality. Powerful write.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Hellon,

    I think Saffie has just about summed up this piece with her wonderful analysis, but it is a hugely powerful senryu that is both challenging and important in this sad time we live in; indeed, this subject matter should always be important to everyone - it is just sad that it is relevant.

    All the best,

  • 7 years ago

    by Trish

    A few words with a powerful message. Wording, flow and power all inside this write