Comments : Red Curtains

  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    This is a very beautiful poem Brittany. You write dark poems so very well. The metaphor you used is great. I love the castle because my mind wonders to this spooky scene when I imagine this. You have used yourwording so well as tthrough out the lines there is a strong tone of sadness. I love how you used just one character and then at the end it's twisted. There is a picture of the girl she loves but by then it is too late. I love the use of red too because red is such a dark color and you think of blood. The way you wrote this is great because you stayed with the elements and there is a hint of love at the end. Beautiful.

    • 10 years ago

      by Forever Hers

      Aw. This means a lot to me... Haven't written one of these in a while so thank you.