Comments : The Wind's Black Whispers

  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    This is a very lovely write Brittany. I love how you personalise the demons and make them seem real. It brings out the darkness in the poem. I also like how you seem to say that you are falling into a demon or that you are the demon as a whole. It is hard to live your full life if you can't love yourself and it's the hardest thing in the world to be yourself without feeling judged by others. I get what you are saying when you say you are not who you want to be. I think no one truly is at all. But I also think you can't truly understand what anothet person is going through at all. No one can live another person's life at all. No one can be another person. I like the twisted ending too. Even though you feel this way you still love a person. The heart is very strong and can shine through any darknesz. Great write